Saturday, September 13, 2008

ABC’s Charlie Gibson Must Have Alzheimer’s

After watching Charlie Gibson’s interview with Republican VP Nominee Sarah Palin, I am convinced that Gibson has Alzheimer’s. There were several questions that he felt the need to repeat. Although Gibson is so clever and condescending that he was changed a couple of words in the repetition phrase hoping that Gov. Palin wouldn’t recognize the “new” question.

Now there are a couple of reasons why someone would repeat the same question multiple times. First, he didn’t hear the answer that was given the first time. Therefore he needs to get his hearing checked or pay closer attention. Second, he did not get answer that he was hoping for which would display a supercilious attitude. Third, he was trying to trap Governor Palin and we know this could not be the case because we know that Gibson is an experienced and responsible newsman whose only agenda is to inform us and not influence us.

Unfortunately, there is one, further deep concern that we have for Mr. Gibson. It is possible that he may be going insane. If the definition of insanity is constant repetition of the same task with the anticipation of different results, then surely Mr. Gibson is head down the path to the nut house.

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